Jan 26 Following God’s guidance
26_Following God’s guidance Gen 31:1-3 Now Jacob heard the words of Laban’s sons, saying, “Jacob has taken away all that was our father’s, and from what belonged to our father he has made all this wealth.” 2 And Jacob saw the attitude of Laban, and behold, it was not friendly toward him as it had been before. 3 Then the Lord said to Jacob, “Return to the land of your fathers and to your relatives, and I will be with you.” In a small coastal town, there was a lighthouse keeper whose responsibility it was to keep the light shining. This light was essential to guide sailors safely to shore. One stormy night, an exhausted sailor fought to keep his boat off the rocks. He knew he was somewhere near the harbour. But he could see nothing in the wind and darkness. In desperation, he prayed for help. What was his joy when he saw a steady beam of light piercing the torrential rain and thick darkness ahead of him! Now he knew where he was and what he had to do. With newfound hope, he followed the golden glow of the lighthouse lamp and reached the harbor safely. Like that lighthouse, the people of God are chosen to be the light of the world. We are called to reflect the light of God's holiness into the turbulent world around. Genesis 30 continues the story of Jacob, a man like us. Despite trials and uncertainties, he heeded God’s call and experienced His faithfulness. Jacob’s life in Padan-Aram with his uncle Laban was marked by hard labor and constant attempts to cheat him out of his wages. But it was above all marked by divine blessing. It served as a season of discipline and refining. Though he endured the consequences of his deceitful actions, he also experienced God’s grace in abundance. Over two decades, Jacob endured grueling work as he cared for Laban’s flocks. He described it, saying, “By day the heat consumed me, and the frost by night, and my sleep fled from my eyes.” However, these 20 years saw Jacob’s marriage to Leah and Rachel. He fathered eleven children, and accumulated considerable wealth in livestock through the blessing of God. However, this roused the envy of Laban’s sons. They accused Jacob of gaining riches at their father’s expense. The animosity turned Jacob’s thoughts towards leaving Padanaram for his homeland. In this tense and hostile environment, God spoke again. God clearly instructed him to return, and reaffirmed that he would be with him. Jacob now knew from experience that God was not the God of Canaan or of Bethel only, but the God of the whole earth. Further confirmation of this direction came from the ready agreement of his wives with his plan, even though it meant leaving the place of their nativity for ever. Jacob prepared to leave, obedient to the command. Following God’s guidance often means making uncomfortable decisions despite our fears. Jacob’s journey was not without challenges. Leaving Padan-Aram required immense courage. He faced fears that resonate with many of us in similar situations. There was the