Emmaus Correspondence Courses

Emmaus is a Bible Correspondence School, nondenominational in outreach and founded for the purpose of encouraging the systematic study of the Word of God. It operates in 90 countries on every continent using courses in 116 languages. Started in 1942, it has since become the largest Bible Correspondence School in the world.

Join the over 20 million students who have used an Emmaus Course to help them study the Bible.

  • Emmaus Correspondence School was established in 1942 in Canada.
  • Courses are available in 110 countries and in 125 languages.
  • The Emmaus Correspondence Courses
  • More than seventeen million have been distributed around the world.
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The Emmaus Correspondence Courses can be used in many different ways:

Group Study
Personal Study
Home Bible Study
One-to-one Discipling
Prison Ministry

The Emmaus Correspondence Courses can be studied in the following way:

The individual begins by mailing the registration form together with the first examination to the Emmaus Correspondence School in his/her country.

The examinations are included in the course booklet.

Each Bible course usually consists of twelve lessons and includes six examinations. Each examination includes twenty questions to be completed. The examinations will be corrected and mailed back to the student.